CoreComponents 3.0.0
A Modern C++ Toolkit
►Ncc | Root namespace of all CoreComponents libraries |
►Nbuild | Namespace of the CoreComponents build system |
CBuildMap | Global map of all build plans loaded during a build |
CBuildParameters | Build parameters |
CBuildPlan | Build instructions according to a Recipe |
CBuildShell | Delegate to handle file system related shell commands |
CBuildStage | Stage of the multi-stage build process |
CBuildStageGuard | Execute pre and post post commands |
CCodyBlockSource | Block-wise reception of CoDy protocol messages |
CCodyError | CoDy related communication issue between compiler and build system |
CCodyMessage | CoDy protocol message |
CCodyMessageSyntax | Syntax of the CoDy messages |
CCodyServer | CoDy protocol server |
CCodyTransport | Block-wise CoDy message transport layer |
CCodyWorker | CoDy connection worker |
CCompileLinkStage | Compile source files to object files and link object files to libraries and executables |
CConfigureShell | Singleton delegate to run configuration stage commands |
CConfigureStage | Determine needed build flags by testing the build environment |
CGlobbingStage | Gather list of source files and decide which need to be compiled |
CGnuToolChain | GNU compatible toolchain interaction |
CImportManager | Keep track of C++ modules and on-demand compile header and interface units |
CInsightDatabase | Track compile statements to support code insight services |
CInstallStage | Copy executables, libraries, headers and resources to default system directories |
CJob | A single build command |
CJobScheduler | Background job scheduler |
CJobServer | A single build job worker |
CLinkJob | Link jobs are special and need a distinct description |
CPredicate | Source code generation rules |
CPreparationStage | Prepare sources before starting the actual build process |
CRecipeProtocol | Protocol description of the Recipe files |
CSystemPrerequisite | Prerequisites provided by the build system |
CTestRunStage | Run unit test programs |
CToolChain | Generic interface of a C/C++ toolchain |
CUninstallStage | Remove installed files |
CUnit | A C/C++ translation unit |
►Ncolor | Namespace for application styling color palettes |
CElementary | Color palette of Elementary OS |
CMaterial | The Material Design color palette |
CWeb | CSS color palette |
►Nsyntax | Namespace of the CoreComponent syntax description framework |
CAheadNode | Match a given sub-expression ahead of the current text position |
CAnyNode | Match an arbitrary next character |
CBehindNode | Match a given sub-expression behind the current text position |
CBoiNode | Match the start of information (current text position equals 0) |
CCaptureNode | Match a sub-expression and copy the matching sequence |
CCasefreeNode | Match a case-insensitive multi-character literal |
CCharCompareNode | Match a single character literal |
CCharNode | Match the next character by comparing for equality |
CChoiceNode | Try sub-expression choices until the first matches (without considering the rest of the expression) |
CContextNode | Select a rule to match depending on production context |
CDebugNode | Show debugging information for a sub-expression match |
CEoiNode | Match the end of the text (current text position equals length of text) |
CExpectNode | Throw an expection if a sub-expression match fails |
CFailNode | Unconditionally fail to match at the current text position |
CFindLastNode | Find the last text position at which the given sub-expression matches |
CFindNode | Find the next text position at which the given sub-expression matches |
CInlineNode | Bind a reference to another syntax rule (inline mode) |
CKeywordNode | Match the shortest matching keyword out of a set of keywords |
CLengthNode | Enforce a required minimum and maximum text length when matching a sub-expression |
CLiteralNode | Match a case-sensitive multi-character literal |
CLongestChoiceNode | Try all sub-expression choices and produce the longest match (without considering the rest of the expression) |
CLookAheadNode | Match a given sub-expression ahead of the current text position |
CLookBehindNode | Match a given sub-expression behind the current text position |
CMatchNode | Match the next character with a custom function |
CNoneOfNode | Match the next character if it is not member of a set of characters |
CNotBehindNode | Match a given sub-expression not behind the current text position |
CNotNode | Do not match a given sub-expression ahead of the current text position |
COneOfNode | Match the next character against a set of characters |
COtherNode | Match the next character by comparing for inequality |
COutOfRangeNode | Match the next character for not lying in a given range |
CPassNode | Unconditionally succeed to match at the current text position |
CRangeExplicitNode | Match the next character against a set of characters |
CRangeMinMaxNode | Match the next character for a given range |
CRangeNode | Match the next character for lying in a given range |
CRefNode | Bind a reference to another syntax rule |
CRepeatNode | Repeatedly match a sub-expression |
CReplayNode | Match a previously captured text |
CSequenceNode | Match a series of sub-expressions in sequence |
CStringNode | Match a constant multi-character literal |
CSyntaxNode | Syntax definition node |
CVoidRule | Syntax rule which does not produce any token |
CAction | Explorable function within an application |
CAesBlockCipher | Rijndael Block Cipher according to the American Encryption Standard (AES / FIPS-197) |
CAesEntropySource | An AES based entropy source |
CAlertDialog | Make the user confirm an immediate action to be taken |
CAppBar | Application title and navigation bar |
CAppendList | Single-linked list data container |
CAppendListIterator | Value iterator type for the AppendList |
CAppendListTransaction | Optionally rollback one or many append operations in one go |
CApplication | Global application state |
CArguments | Command line arguments parser |
CArray | An array of items within a contiguous chunk of memory |
CArrayIterator | Array iterator |
CArrayIteratorItemAccess | Policy for selecting the item access type |
CBase64DecodeError | Base-64 decoding failed |
CBinary | Read and write binary data structures |
CBit | Select the bits i to j from a word of type T |
►CBitArray | Array of bits |
CAccess | Provide access to a single bit in a BitArray |
CBlind | Semi-transparent screen overlay (blocks the screen behind a modal dialog) |
►CBlockCipher | Cryptographic block cipher |
CState | Internal state |
CBlockCipherSink | Block cipher output stream |
CBlockCipherSource | Block cipher input stream |
CBmp | Read and write bitmap image files (BMP file format in local endian ARGB pixel format) |
CBmpError | Failed to load an image file because of unexpected or unsupported file format |
CBox | Filled rectangle with rounded corners |
CBucketArray | Helper methods for copying and shifting partially uninitialized arrays |
CBundle | Lookup files in installation directories |
CByteSink | Byte encoding sink |
CByteSource | Byte decoding sink |
CCaptureSink | Capture output in memory |
CCasefree | Case-insensitive string comparism |
CCbcBlockCipher | Run any block cipher in Cipher Block Chaining mode (CBC) |
CChannel | Thread communication channel |
CCheckbox | CheckboxControl with associated label |
CCheckboxControl | Checkbox control |
CCircularBuffer | Fixed-size circular data buffer |
CClientSocket | TCP client socket |
CClockFace | Interactive clock face |
CColor | ARGB color tuple (32 bit) |
CColumnLayout | Layout children views in a column |
CCommand | Parameters for process creation |
CCommandNotFound | Command not found |
CComposite | Composite aggregate |
►CControl | User interaction control |
CState | Internal state |
CCrc32Sink | CRC-32 checksum generator |
CCryptoHash | Cryptographic hash sum |
CCryptoHashSink | Compute a cryptographic hashsum from written data |
CCsvFormat | CSV output formatter |
CCsvSource | Read records from a CSV formatted input text |
CCsvSyntax | CSV syntax definition |
CCubicBezier | Cubic berzier curves |
CCursor | Cursor of the pointing device |
►CCustomDialog | Convenience class to create custom dialogs |
CState | Internal state |
CDatagramSocket | Datagram socket |
CDate | Calendar date and time |
CDebugError | Debugging hint on internal system malfunction |
CDefaultOrder | Default sort order based on ordering operator<=> |
►CDialog | Generic dialog |
CState | Internal state |
CDim | Provide dimensions for container initialization |
CDir | File system directories |
CDirWalk | Recursive directory tree traversal |
CDispatchLoggingInstance | An instance of the DispatchLoggingService |
CDispatchLoggingService | Write log messages to several other logging facilities simultanously |
CDisplay | Display geometry information |
CDisplayMode | Display mode |
CDivider | Horizontal dividing line |
CDragArea | Area with dragable child views |
►CEasing | Easing curves |
CBezier | Cubic Bezier curve |
CElevatedButton | Elevated button |
CEncodingError | Some encoded data is malformed |
CEntity | Objects that materialize on-demand |
CError | Generic application error |
CException | Abstract base class for exceptions |
CFFT | A simple, yet fast, DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform) |
CFile | File I/O streams |
CFileInfo | File status information |
CFileLock | Advisory file lock |
CFileLoggingInstance | An instance of the FileLoggingService |
CFileLoggingService | Write log messages to a log file |
CFilledButton | Filled button |
CFindAny | Find a matching item |
CFindFirst | Find first item which equals pattern |
CFindLast | Find last item which equals pattern |
CFingerEvent | Touch input event |
CFlickable | Control with variable sized movable contents |
CFlickableIndicator | Positional indicator for a flickable pane |
CFloatingButton | Floating button |
CFloatSyntax | C-style floating point literals |
CFont | Font selector |
CFontError | Failed to load a font file |
CFontFace | Individual font face within a font family |
CFontFamily | Font family |
CFontManager | Keep track of application fonts |
CFontMetrics | Font metrics |
CForegroundLoggingInstance | An instance of the ForegroundLoggingService |
CForegroundLoggingService | Write log messages to standard output |
CFormat | Generate formatted text |
CGlob | Collect file names matching a pattern |
CGlyphRun | Typeset sequence |
CGlyphVisual | Visual representation of a single glyph |
CGroupInfo | Query information about system groups |
CGuard | Mutex guard |
►CHashSink | Generic hashsum computing sink |
CState | Internal state |
CHeap | Fixed-size heap |
CHelpRequest | User requested help |
CHexDump | Generate a readable hexadecimal dump |
CHostNameResolutionError | Failed to resolve a host name |
CHostUnreachable | An earlier datagram could not be delivered |
CHtmlText | Descriptive text displays |
CHttpBadRequest | The request was syntactically maleformed |
CHttpChunkedSink | HTTP chunked transfer sink |
CHttpClient | HTTP client |
CHttpCloseRequest | A request to close the HTTP pipeline has been received |
CHttpError | HTTP request could not be successfully processed |
CHttpForbidden | Insufficient permissions to execute the request |
CHttpInternalServerError | Internal server malefunction |
CHttpLoggingService | Logging service |
CHttpLoggingServiceConfigPrototype | HTTP logging service configuration prototype |
CHttpLoggingServiceInstance | Logging service instance |
CHttpLoggingServiceRegistry | Keep track of available logging services |
CHttpMediaTypeDatabase | Media type database |
CHttpMessage | HTTP message |
CHttpMessageGenerator | HTTP message generator |
CHttpMessageParser | HTTP message parser |
CHttpNotFound | Requested resource could not be found |
CHttpNotImplemented | HTTP protocol feature not implemented |
CHttpPayloadTooLarge | Message payload exceeded allowed upper limit |
CHttpRequest | HTTP request message |
CHttpRequestGenerator | HTTP request generator |
CHttpRequestParser | HTTP server-side message parser |
CHttpRequestTimeout | Connection has timed out |
CHttpResponse | HTTP response message |
CHttpResponseGenerator | HTTP response generator |
CHttpResponseParser | HTTP client-side message parser |
CHttpServer | HTTP(s) web server |
CHttpServerConfig | Configuration for the HTTP server |
CHttpServerConfigProtocol | Configuration protocol for the HTTP server |
CHttpService | Web service |
CHttpServiceConfigPrototype | HTTP service configuration prototype |
►CHttpServiceDelegate | Delegate used by the worker threads to process HTTP requests |
CState | Internal state |
►CHttpServiceInstance | Configured instance of a delivery service |
CState | Internal state |
►CHttpServiceRegistry | Delivery service registry |
CAnnouncer | Announce a new service |
CHttpStream | HTTP message stream (pipelining and chunked I/O) |
CHttpUnsupportedVersion | Request protocol version is not supported |
CImage | 2-dimensional color matrix |
CImageIoPlugin | Description of an image file format |
CImageIoPluginManager | Keep information about available image file formats |
CImageView | Show a raster image |
CIndexTracking | Index tracking support |
CInetAddressSyntax | Syntax of an internet address |
CInOut | Call by reference function arguments |
CInputControl | Keyboard navigable input control |
CInputExhaustion | Input exhaustion |
CIntegerSyntax | C-style integer literals |
CInvalidAddressSyntax | Failed to parse textual representation of a socket address |
CIoActivity | Entry on the I/O watch list of an I/O monitor |
CIoChannel | Inter-process communication channel |
CIoExhaustion | Input or Output exhaustion |
CIoMonitor | Wait for I/O events |
CIoStream | Base class for all system I/O streams |
CIterator | Value iterator |
CJitterSource | Generate random bytes from scheduling noise |
CJsonWriter | Generate JSON representations of variant values |
CKeccak | Keccak sponge function |
CKeccakPadding | Default padding policy for Keccak |
CKeccakSink | Default policy for writing output bytes |
CKeccakSource | Default policy for reading input bytes |
CKernelInfo | Query information about the operating system kernel |
CKeyEvent | Keyboard input event |
CKeyValue | Key-value pair |
CLabel | Single line text view for name tags and value displays |
CLineBuffer | Line output buffer |
CLineEdit | Text input field |
CLineSource | Line input buffer |
CList | List data container |
CListItem | Item in a list menu |
CListMenu | List menu A ListMenu shows a vertically scrollable list of items which are all of the same size |
CListView | List view A ListView shows a vertically scrollable list of items of various dimensions |
CLocalChannel | Local socket communication channel |
CLocator | Locate items inside containers |
CLogView | Text log view |
CMacHashSink | HMAC message authentication hash sink |
CMap | Map data container |
CMaterialDark | Material Design nighttime theme |
CMaterialLight | Material Design daylight theme |
CMd5HashSink | Message Digest 5 (MD5) one-way hash function |
CMemoryStream | Read from and write to an underlying memory buffer |
CMetaError | Error thrown during object realization |
►CMetaObject | Duck-typed objects |
CState | Internal state |
CMetaProtocol | Duck-typed protocol |
►CMetaPrototype | Member definitions, default values and child protocol |
CState | Internal state |
CModuloPadding | PKCS#7 style paddding (RFC 2315) |
CMonitor | Object with a single void property definition |
CMountPoint | Mount table entry |
CMountTable | Filesystem mount table (fstab format) |
CMouseEvent | Mouse event |
CMultiMap | Multi-map data container |
CMultiSet | Multi-set data container |
CMutex | Unconditional thread suspension and resumption |
CNetworkInterface | Query network interface configuration: assigned addresses, flags, etc |
CNetworkLabel | Network interface address information |
CNetworkRoute | Network routing table access |
CNetworkState | Simplified network configuration state |
CNew | Helper type to select non-null contruction |
CNone | Type of an unused return value |
CNullFormat | Discarding formatted output sink |
CNullStream | Read zeros and discard writes |
CNumberCell | Fixed point number display and input cell |
CNumberEdit | Number input field |
CNumberInput | Specialized input control for entering fixed point decimal number literals |
►CObject | Object with value semantics |
CState | Reference counted object state |
COutlineButton | Outlined button |
COutputExhaustion | Output exhaustion |
CPadding | Padding to be applied to a view within a Layout |
CPainter | Drawing 2D vector graphics |
CPainterError | Something went wrong during painting |
CPane | A view contained in another view, e.g |
CPasswordEdit | Password input field |
CPasswordEditor | Password editor |
CPasswordInput | Password input control |
CPath | A painter path |
CPattern | Regular expression pattern |
CPen | Source color and line style |
CPicture | Glyph visual or other user-defined image optionally toned to specifc foreground color |
CPlatformError | Failed to load a platform plugin |
CPlot | 2D plot |
CPlugin | Plugin library |
CPluginDir | Plugin directory |
CPluginError | Something went wrong when loading a plugin library |
CPluginLoader | Plugin loading during library initialization |
CPointerEvent | Input event from a pointing device (e.g |
CPrefix | String prefix |
CPriorityChannel | Prioritized thread communication channel |
CPriorityQueue | Priority queue data container |
CProcess | Process creation and current process state |
CProperty | Property bindings |
CPropertyBindingError | General error binding properties |
CPropertyBindingLoop | Property binding loop detected |
CPseudoPad | Pseudo random byte source |
CPseudoTerminal | Pseudo-terminal device |
CPulseContext | Pulse Audio client context |
CPulseError | Something went wrong with PulseAudio |
CPulseInputStream | Pulse Audio recording stream |
CPulseMainLoop | The Pulse Audio event loop |
CPulseServerInfo | Pulse Audio server information |
CPushButton | Push button (a button that is pressed down) |
CQueue | Double-ended queue data container |
CRadioButton | RadioButtonControl with associated label |
CRadioButtonControl | Radio button control |
CRadioButtonGroup | Radio button group |
CRandom | Pseudo-random number generator |
CRange | Index range |
►CRaspin | Raspberry Pi GPIO register access |
CGroup | A group of GPIO pins |
CPin | A single GPIO pin |
CReadGuard | For-reading lock guard |
CReadLock | Advisory file lock for shared access |
CReadWriteLock | Read-write lock |
CRect | Rectangle |
CRenderView | Show dynamically rendered images |
CReplaySource | Feed data from an in-memory buffer |
CResourceContext | Cascaded resource context for error reporting |
CResourceGuard | Resource context guard |
CResourceManager | Keep track of application resource directories |
CResourcePath | Automatically map resource paths to real file system paths |
CReverseIterator | Reverse value iterator |
CReverseOrder | Reverse sort order based on ordering operator<=> |
CRowLayout | Layout children views in a row |
CScaledFont | Scaled font needed for painting text |
CScopeGuard | Call cleanup function on scope exit |
CScrollBar | Scroll bar |
CScrollView | Scrollable view |
CSemaphore | Waiting for a limited resource |
CServerSocket | TCP server socket |
CServiceNameLookupError | Failed to resolve a service name |
CSet | Set data container |
CSha1HashSink | Secure Hash 1 (SHA-1) one-way hash function |
CSha256HashSink | Secure Hash 256 (SHA-256) one-way hash function |
CSha3HashSink | Secure Hash 3 (SHA-3) one-way hash function |
CSha3Padding | Padding policy for NIST SHA3 |
CSha512HashSink | Secure Hash 512 (SHA-512) one-way hash function |
CShadow | Shadow decoration |
CShakePadding | Padding policy for NIST SHAKE128 and SHAKE256 |
CShortcut | Keyboard shortcut |
CSignaled | Process execution interrupted by system signal |
CSignalMaster | Signal handling master thread in a multi-threaded application |
CSignalSet | A set of system signals |
CSingleton | Process-wide singletons |
CSlider | Slider with leading and trailing decoration |
CSliderControl | Slider control |
CSocket | Abstract base class for all networking sockets |
CSocketAddress | Socket address |
CSocketError | Networking related system error |
CSourceIterator | Data source iterator |
CSpinLock | Spinning lock mutex |
CStackView | View stack |
►CStream | Abstract data stream |
CState | Internal state |
CStreamMultiplexer | Parallel output to several data sinks |
CStreamSocket | Byte-sequential connection oriented network communication |
CStreamTap | Bi-directional traffic redirection and duplication |
CString | String of characters |
CStylePlugin | Default fonts, metrics and colors |
CSurface | Painting surface |
CSwitch | On-off switch with associated label |
CSwitchControl | On/off switch |
►CSyntaxDefinition | Computer language syntax definition |
CState | Internal state |
CSyntaxRule | Syntactic rule within a syntax definition |
CSyslogLoggingInstance | An instance of the SyslogLoggingService |
CSyslogLoggingService | Write log message to the system log |
CSystem | System information |
CSystemDebugError | Debugging hint on system call failure |
CSystemError | System call failed |
CSystemResourceError | System call failed to perform an action on a named resource (e.g |
CTapBuffer | Line buffer with human readable output logging |
CTempFile | Temporary files |
CTestCase | Defines a test case |
CTestSuite | Defines a test suite |
CText | Descriptive text displays |
CTextButton | Text button |
CTextCursor | Cursor position within a text run |
CTextEditor | Abstract text editor |
CTextEditorWithHistory | Abstract text editor with history |
CTextError | Text error |
CTextInput | Single-line text input control |
CTextLineEditor | Simple text line editor |
CTextRun | Richtext typeset sequence |
CTextView | Text view |
CTheme | User interface styling theme |
CThread | Single thread of execution |
CThreadLocalSingleton | Thread-local singletons |
CTimeInfo | Timezone information record |
CTimeout | Operation timed out |
CTimePicker | Dialog to select a time of the day |
CTimer | Inverval timer |
►CTimezone | Timezone information |
CFormatError | Failed to parse timezone information file |
CTinyFloatingButton | Convenience class to construct a tiny floating button |
CTlsCertificateError | Verification of the TLS server's certificate failed for some reason |
CTlsClientOptions | TLS client credentials and connection parameters |
CTlsClientStream | Client-side TLS stream |
CTlsError | TLS related error |
CTlsServerOptions | TLS server credentials and connection parameters |
CTlsServerStream | Server-side TLS stream |
CTlsStream | TLS stream |
CToken | Syntax production |
CTokenScreen | Projection target for a token tree |
CTokiCppDiscoverySyntax | Discovery syntax for C preprocessor headers |
CTokiCxxSyntax | C++ highlighting syntax |
CTokiHighlightingSyntax | Generic syntax highlighting syntax |
CTokiHtmlScreen | HTML generator screen |
CTokiLanguage | Source code language definition |
CTokiPalette | Syntax highlighting palette |
CTokiPalettePrototype | Meta-prototype for TokiPalette |
CTokiRegistry | Toki language registry |
CTokiShDiscoverySyntax | Discovery syntax for shell scripts |
CTokiShSyntax | Bash shell highlighting syntax |
CTokiStyle | Syntax highlighting style |
CTokiStylePrototype | Meta-prototype definition for TokiStyle |
CTokiTheme | Syntax highlighting theme |
CTonalButton | Filed tonal button |
CTouchButton | Touch button (a button that changes color when touched) |
CTransferLimiter | Limit the maximum number of bytes transferred |
CTransferMeter | Transfer measuring stream |
CTrigger | Callback mechanism: get notified on state changes |
CTypeInfo | Variant type information |
CUnicodeError | Encoding/decoding of an Unicode string failed |
CUri | Uniform Resource Indentifier (URI) |
CUriSyntax | Syntax of an Uniform Resource Identifier |
CUsageError | User input ambiguous, report back to user and provide guidance |
CUserInfo | Query information about system users |
CUtf16 | Iterate Unicode code points of an UTF-16 encoded string |
CUtf16Iterator | Iterate code points of an UTF-16 encoded string |
CUtf16Sink | UTF-16 encoding data sink |
CUtf16Source | UTF-16 decoding data source |
CUtf8 | Iterate Unicode code points of an UTF-8 encoded string |
CUtf8Iterator | Iterate code points of an UTF-8 encoded string |
CUtf8Sink | UTF-8 encoding data sink |
CUtf8Source | UTF-8 decoding data source |
CVariant | Duck-typed value |
CVector | Algebraic vector |
CVersion | Software version tuple |
CVersionRequest | User requested the application version |
►CView | User interface building block |
CLayout | Automatic geometry for children views |
CState | Internal state |
CVisual | Visual representation of something |
CWaitCondition | Conditional thread suspension and resumption |
CWebP | Read and write WebP image files |
CWheelEvent | Mouse wheel event |
CWindow | Display window |
CWriteGuard | For-writing lock guard |
CWriteLock | Advisory file lock for exclusive access |
CXor | XOR write over policy |
CYasonSyntax | Yet another simple object notation |
CYasonWriter | Generate YASON representations of variant values |
CZipError | Something went wrong processing a ZIP archive |
CZipFile | Read the contents of a ZIP archive |
CZipStream | Read a file within a ZIP archive |