| MountTable (const String &path) |
| Load mount table from file.
String | toString () const |
| Stringify this mount table.
iterator | begin () |
| Return iterator pointing to the first item (if any)
const_iterator | begin () const |
| Return readonly iterator pointing to the first item (if any)
iterator | end () |
| Return iterator pointing behind the last item
const_iterator | end () const |
| Return readonly iterator pointing behind the last item
const_iterator | cbegin () const |
| Return readonly iterator pointing to the first item (if any)
const_iterator | cend () const |
| Return readonly iterator pointing behind the last item
reverse_iterator | rbegin () |
| Return reverse iterator pointing to the last item (if any)
const_reverse_iterator | rbegin () const |
| Return readonly reverse iterator pointing to the last item (if any)
reverse_iterator | rend () |
| Return reverse iterator pointing before the first item
const_reverse_iterator | rend () const |
| Return reverse iterator pointing before the first item
const_reverse_iterator | crbegin () const |
| Return readonly reverse iterator pointing to the last item (if any)
const_reverse_iterator | crend () const |
| Return reverse iterator pointing before the first item
const Tree & | tree () const |
| List ()=default |
| Construct an empty list.
| List (const List &other)=default |
| Construct a copy of other.
| List (std::initializer_list< Item > items) |
| Construct with initial items.
| List (std::initializer_list< List > lists) |
| Initialize by joining initial lists.
| List (List &&other) |
| Take over the right-side list other.
List & | operator= (const List &other)=default |
| Assign list other.
List & | operator= (List &&other) |
| Assign right-side list other.
Locator | head () const |
| Get a locator pointing to the first item.
Locator | tail () const |
| Get a locator pointing to the last item.
Locator | from (long index) const |
| Get a locator pointing to the item at index.
long | count () const |
| Get the number of items stored in the list.
long | size () const |
| Get the number of items stored in the list.
bool | has (long i) const |
| Check if i is a valid index.
| operator bool () const |
| Check if this list is non-empty.
long | operator+ () const |
| Get the number of items stored in the list.
const Item & | at (Locator pos) const |
| Get constant reference to the item at position pos.
const Item & | at (long index) const |
| Get constant reference to the item at index.
Item & | mutableAt (Locator pos) |
| Get reference to the item at position pos.
Item & | mutableAt (long index) |
| Get reference to the item at index.
const Item & | operator[] (long index) const |
| Get constant reference to the item at index.
Item & | operator[] (long index) |
| Get reference to the item at index.
Item | operator() (long index) const |
| Get value at index if 0 <= index && index < count(), otherwise return fallback.
List & | operator() (long index, const MountPoint &value) |
| Set value at index if 0 <= i && i < count(), otherwise do nothing.
const Item & | first () const |
| Get constant reference to first item.
const Item & | last () const |
| Get constant reference to last item.
bool | firstIs (const Item &item) const |
| Tell if item is the first item.
bool | lastIs (const Item &item) const |
| Tell if item is the last item.
Item & | touchFirst () |
| Get reference to first item.
Item & | touchLast () |
| Get reference to last item.
void | append (const Item &item) |
| Insert item at the end of the list.
void | prepend (const Item &item) |
| Insert item at the beginning of the list.
void | appendList (const List< Item > &other) |
| Append a copy of list other.
void | prependList (const List< Item > &other) |
| Prepend a copy of list other.
void | pushBack (const Item &item) |
| Insert item as a new last item.
void | pushFront (const Item &item) |
| Insert item as a new first item.
void | popBack () |
| Remove the last item.
void | popFront () |
| Remove the first item.
void | emplaceBack (Args... args) |
| Insert a new last item.
void | emplaceFront (Args... args) |
| Emplace a new first item.
List & | operator<< (const Item &item) |
| Append item.
List & | operator>> (Item &item) |
| Remove and return the first item.
void | insertAt (Locator &pos, const Item &item) |
| Insert item at position pos.
void | insertAt (long index, const Item &item) |
| Insert item at index.
void | removeAt (Locator &pos) |
| Remove item at position pos (and advance pos to the next item)
void | removeAt (long index) |
| Remove item at index.
void | emplaceAt (Locator &pos, Args... args) |
| Create a new item at position pos (initialized with args)
void | emplaceAt (long index, Args... args) |
| Create a new item at index (initialized with args)
bool | find (const Pattern &pattern, InOut< Locator > pos=None{}) const |
| Find item b.
bool | contains (const Pattern &pattern) const |
| Convenience method.
void | replace (const Pattern &pattern, const Item &substitute) |
| Replace all occurences of pattern by substitute.
void | sort () |
| Sort the list in-situ.
void | sortUnique () |
| Sorts the list and removes all doubles.
List | sorted () const |
| Return a sorted copy of this list
List | sortedUnique () const |
| Return a sorted copy of this list which does not contain repeated items
void | reverse () |
| Reverse the order of items in the list
List | reversed () const |
| Return a copy of the list in which the order of items is reversed
void | forEach (F f) const |
| Call function f for each item
void | forEach (F f) |
| Call function f for each item
void | deplete () |
| Remove all items.
R | join (S sep) const |
| Merge into a single item interspersed by sep.
R | join () const |
| Merge into a single item.
bool | operator== (const Other &other) const |
| Equality operator.
std::strong_ordering | operator<=> (const Other &other) const |
| Ordering operator.
Filesystem mount table (fstab format)